GPS Workshop #4: Unlocking the Secret to a More Profitable Business

GPS Workshop #4: Unlocking the Secret to a More Profitable Business

Price $ 99

Product information

Access this Ideal Customer Workshop, “Unlocking the Secret to a More Profitable Business”, hosted by Chrissanne Long & Craig Hosking of Maximize Digital Media!

After tuning into this GPS Workshop, you will…

  • Gain a more holistic understanding of the pain points that your client/customer experiences
  • Understand how to better qualify your leads
  • Identify where your customers go to get information or advice
  • Create clear (not confusing) marketing material that identifies and solves their problem
  • Learn how to message without feeling like an imposter
  • Learn how to use AI to assist in crafting your customer avatar

With this workshop, you'll receive:

  • Access to the recorded workshop (1hr 30min)
  • The Ideal Customer Worksheet (7 pages)
  • AI Prompts for Mapping Your Ideal Customer (3 pages)

Recorded on January 24, 2024

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